為了解決 facebook API
需要 https
,所以利用 ngrok
架了一個網頁伺服器(Web Server
- Public URLs for sending previews to clients.
- 讓客戶可以輕鬆預覽你的專案。
- Public URLs for testing your chatbot.
- 測試你的機器人。
- Public URLs for SSH access to your Raspberry Pi.
- 輕鬆設定 SSH 連結樹莓派。
- Public URLs for demoing from your own machine.
- 從自己的裝置 demo。
- Public URLs for exposing your local web server.
- 架一個臨時伺服器。
- Public URLs for testing on mobile devices.
- 測試行動裝置。
- Public URLs for building webhook integrations.